Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tokyo Day 20 June 8 2008

Day 20 was the short independent film show case. This is the deep underground film showing. Sometimes so deep, no one has even seen it because it was never released! You couldn't even You Tube, it's held on lock down. The show began at 2.30 pm promptly and the list of film directors are as it was viewed.

. Space Showers time lapse Mural Project. dir. Mike Ming
. Kenji Hirata and DJ Clock time lapse Felt project. dir. Joey Garfield and Kenji Hirata
.'Invisible Kingdom' dir. Cameron Lombsbread
.RJD2 Video dir. Joey Garfield
.'Two Days..' dir. Mike Ming
.'Collective Improvisation' dir. Ryuichi Strush Wheels
.'Street Sounds' dir. Yuri Shibuya
.'!!NEXT!!' dir. Mike Ming

The films were musical and Visually Oriented. Some were skateboarding oriented and mostly abstract documentary film vision. Special Thanks goes to all the film contributors and directors for creating their audio visual ideas and the incredible audience that joined us for the presentation. Thank YOU!! We went out and celebrated with Yakitori and Kushi!!

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